What You Need to Know about BASIX Certificate Requirements

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If you are building a new home in New South Wales or renovating/adding to an old one, then there is likely a BASIX assessment in your future. BASIX (which is short for ‘building sustainability index’) is a series of benchmarks set by the NSW Government in 2004 to reduce the water and energy usage of residential dwellings. By meeting BASIX Certificate requirements, your home can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, save water and be more environmentally conscious across the board.

Most of the aspects of your house that use energy or water are subject to review under BASIX Certificate requirements. For instance, everything from your lighting to your heating and cooling systems to your ventilation setup can affect energy use. The assessment evaluates these design elements with the goal of getting your home in a certain target range. For energy usage, the target range is between 5% and 40% of a benchmark, which is 3,292 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions per person per year.

Similarly, BASIX assessors will look at several different factors when investigating your home’s water usage. These factors include fixtures, fittings, landscaping and sprinklers, pools, spas and alternative water sources. BASIX puts the benchmark for water usage at 90,340 litres per person per year and aims to reduce that benchmark by up to 40%–depending on your climatic zone.

These are the basics of BASIX (pun intended) that you should know if you have an assessment coming up. However, if you are interested in learning more about BASIX Certificate requirements, you can always review the resources available from the NSW Government’s Planning & Environment website.

If you need to schedule your BASIX assessment, call us at Chapman Environmental Services by dialling 0414 265 292.