Looking for A Qualified Sustainability Assessor On the Central Coast?

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If you’ve done any research into BASIX at all, you already know that it’s Australia’s premier standard for sustainability planning and a crucial component in assuring that residential properties conform to reasonable levels regarding water and energy use. A critical step in aiding the environment and increasing efficiency on buildings. It also necessitated the need for finding qualified sustainability assessors. On The Central Coast, Chapman Environmental Services has become a stand-out name in providing top-notch assessments to fulfil this vital requirement and are here to clue you in on what makes us a such a trusted leader in the field.

To begin, the types of residential developments that we can perform assessments on are quite vast. In addition to new dwellings, we can cover townhouses, villas, multi-unit developments, high-rise apartments, home additions/alterations, pools, and spas. The wide range of properties that we can assess means that we’ve literally “seen it all” and won’t be thrown for a loop by any unexpected occurrences when performing our assessment on your property. Also, we’re qualified to perform what is known as a Thermal Performance Assessment, which requires a particular certification. This level of dedication to the trade should certainly give you an inkling of what kind of company you’ll be dealing with when choosing us as your sustainability assessor on the Central Coast.

If you are in need of a skilled sustainability assessor to handle a project for you, we invite you to email us at terry@basixcertificates.com.au or give us a call on 0414 265 292.